Make a better plan.
Capture accurate data.
Know your business better.

MMS’s features are designed to put your team in control of your production.

MMS features

When you know what is causing your downtime you can do something about it.

MMS’ downtime analysis identifies the pareto reasons for downtime so you can focus your resources where they can improve uptime the most.

When you have accurate scrap reports you can make the changes you need to make

MMS’s scrap analysis identifies the pareto reasons for scrap so your engineers can focus where they can improve right first time the most.

MMS features
MMS features

Manage your planning

MMS’s planning system is based on standards – not guesswork. It is updated automatically by data capture – no wasted time in planning chasing production for updates. It takes unavailable time like breaks and weekends into account, ensuring your plan is accurate. Over 10 years of development have ensured that the features real-world planners need are available to create and manage the plan as effortlessly as possible.

Integrate with existing systems

Plan customer jobs and review against delivery due dates. Use the routing system to create jobs for every process.

Improve your other processes

MMS features provide every department with a view of the plan. Everybody can see when a job is planned to run and complete and which jobs are already complete. No more expediting upcoming deliveries. No more chasing planning and production for the parts needed further down the plant. No more leaving the customer hanging on the phone while sales coordinators chase planning.

Reports available automatically, on time and using consistent methods

MMS features provide the data you need to run your business when you need it and calculated the way you asked for it. MMS saves your team time and gives them the tools they need to improve your business.